Risk Waiver
EQUESTRIAN WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC. (“EWA”) RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY - Used with permission by Wallangarra Adult Riding Club (WARC), Inc, for WARC rallies, events, coaches, members and guests.
I acknowledge and agree that:
taking part in horse sports is a dangerous activity and serious INJURY or DEATH may result from participating in horse-related competitions or activities;
horses may act in a sudden and unpredictable manner, and EWA and WARC does not make any representations or warranties as to how a horse may act; and
I participate in any event held or managed by EWA and WAR, or coaching services provided by EWA or WARC or a member coach of EWA (Activities), at my OWN RISK.
I have read, understood and agree to abide by this Waiver and Release of Liability, all and any rules, regulations, policies and codes (including the Code of Conduct) of EWA, and any organiser or manager of Activities, as may be in force from time to time, and acknowledge and agree that:
EWA’s publication of any amended rules, regulations, policies and codes shall be deemed to be sufficient notice to me of the current rules, regulations, policies and codes of EWA; and
any misconduct (as determined by EWA or the relevant Activities organiser, in their sole discretion) or refusal by me to follow any direction of EWA or an Activities organiser, may result in my immediate disqualification from the Activities and the forfeiting of all fees paid in relation to those Activities.
To the maximum extent permitted by law:
I waive all legal and equitable rights of action against EWA and WARC, including its officials, volunteers, medical personnel, members, employees, sponsors, promoters, advertisers, owners and lessees of premises on which Activities are held, underwriters, consultants and coaches (Associates), in regard to any claim arising from Activities, whatsoever or howsoever arising; and
I fully release and hold harmless EWA and WARC and each of its Associates for all and any loss, damages, injury, claim or death whatsoever or howsoever arising out of or in relation to the Activities.
I represent and warrant that:
in the event I feel unsafe or unwell in any way, I will immediately advise EWA and WARC and the relevant Associates and will immediately cease to participate in the Activities;
I assume full responsibility and liability for any risk of bodily injury, death or property damage arising from participating in the Activities, whatsoever or howsoever arising;
if I have any queries about this Waiver and Release of Liability, I have discussed those queries with EWA or WARC, or otherwise sought my own legal advice and satisfied myself as to those queries;
I understand that my signature to this document constitutes a complete and unconditional release of EWA and its Associates and WARC from all liability to the maximum extent allowed by law in the event of me and/or the minor(s) or children under my care, suffering injury or death, or any of my property (including horses) suffering damage, injury or death; and
I have explained the contents of this Waiver and Release of Liability to the minor(s) or children under my care, who have in turn confirmed to me their understanding of the terms and effect of this Waiver and Release of Liability.